SWR Experimentalstudio with Hongshuo Fan »Conversation in the Cloud« (2020-21) For clarinet and AI musician, ca. 12′, UA

»Conversation in the Cloud« is a live multimedia composition for one human musician and one AI musician. The conversations of both musicians start at the intersection of reality and virtuality via music. Then, both musicians will push their limits through improvisation based on each other’s music during the live performance. Finally, the two worlds gradually blend as the conversation deepens. The AI musician is a comprehensive system that applies multiple machine learning techniques to enhance its machine musicianship, such as deep neural networks and human body pose estimation. The combination of live multimedia and the performances of two musicians thus creates a multidimensional musical conversation.

– Hongshuo Fan Credits:

ZKM | Hertz-Labor /// ZKM Hertz-Lab

Ludger Brümmer Künstlerische Leitung /// Artistic Director

Dominik Kautz Projektleitung, Organisation & Programmheft /// Project Management, Organization & Program

Sebastian Schottke Klangregie /// Sound Direction

Jakob Schreiber, Manuel Urrutia Tontechnik /// Sound Technology

Hans Gass Licht & Veranstaltungstechnik /// Light & Event Technology

ZKM | Videostudio /// ZKM | Video Studio Christina Zartmann Schnitt & Kamera /// Editing & Camera

Xenia Leidig Kamera /// Camera

More information: ZKM

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