Panel discussion with Sheri Avraham, Johan Frederik Hartle, Anna Spanlang and Chin Tsao

Host: Anke Schad-Spindler

What does it take to be a young artist today? Against the background of austerity, decreasing public support, increasing privatisation, and decreasing political or unionist representation, to be a young artist today (with young we don’t refer to any age but to the beginning of a career path), is, more often than not, to be in a state of precariousness, to live with an insecure present and an unforeseeable future due to unstable and exploitative labour relations. In the context of the exhibition „Handspells. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2021“.

More links and information: The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID-19 Cultural Recovery in the European Union Background Analysis…

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