Curator Laura Amann guides you through the exhibition “Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat”. The group show questions why we are still so obsessed, offended, and scandalized by the view of naked breasts, especially women’s breasts. The exhibition looks into the cultural and art history of different depictions of breasts, but also uses breasts to speak about other important and relevant topics such as sexuality, gender, interspecies relationships, motherhood, breastfeeding, disease, and censorship.

In the video tour, Laura Amann talks about the historical works important to Austrian art history by artists like VALIE EXPORT, Bruno Gironcoli, and Maria Lassnig and combines them with younger contemporary positions, e.g. Marianne Vlaschits.

Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat
29/11 2023 – 14/4 2024 Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier
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